We woke up early the morning after the Jizerska for a quick
ski in Horni Misecky before driving to Germany to meet up with Kara, a friend
of Tyler’s from high school. We met Kara in Dresden and were able to tour the
city for the afternoon before continuing to Hassfurt in central Germany where
Kara lives. Touring Dresden was very fun and certainly different from what we had been
doing for the previous week.
Visiting Bamberg!
An action shot of some serious blogging
Exploring Bamberg |
The weather did not improve much while we were in Germany
and we continued to enjoy steady clouds, fog and the occasional downpour.
Regardless, we had four great days with Kara and while we couldn’t explore
Hassfurt with skis we did some great exploring with our running shoes on!
We were very fortunate to have lots of things to do to keep
our minds off of the absence of snow.
Enjoying Kaffee and Kuchen: certainly a tradition we want to bring home! |
We did enjoy one day in the Hassfurt sun! |
Kara is currently working as an enligh teaching assistant
through the Fulbright program. While we were in Hassfurt we went and spoke to
two German classes about our trip and what it was like to grow up skiing in the
United States. It was a fun and unique and we learned a ton about the
education system in Germany.
Standing weirdly far apart outside of Kara's school after one of our presentations |
After 4 great days in Germany we hit the road once again to
meet up with Phillip, a friend of Jacksons from summer camp. Highlights of the
drive included a wonderful ski in the Alps at Alt St. Johann and getting
extraordinarily lost trying to find Phillip’s apartment in the heart of Zurich.
Having dealt with this issue before, we knew that cell data would stop working
when we crossed the Swiss border…you would think that we would have learned! We did make it to Phillip's apartment eventually and we were able to enjoy a delicious Raclette dinner.
We were feeling a bit restless because the Jizerska had been
shortened to 16km and when we heard of a race on Sunday up at Lenzerheide (a
2hr drive from Zurich) we jumped at the chance to race again! Early Sunday
morning we started the drive to Lenzerheide for a 20km mass start skate race.
We were seeded at the back, of course.
After so many days in the rain it was fantastic to spend a
day in Lenzerheide with snow falling at a steady rate. This made seeing during
the race a bit challenging for those of use who forgot glasses (Jackson!) but it was a
great experience nonetheless. We raced four laps of a modified tour de ski course. Tyler finished in 48th and Jackson followed closely behind in 50th. It was a
great racing experience and we both know that if we had started closer to the
front of the pack our results could have been much better!
Jackson racing in the 20km at Lenzerheide |
After the race we were very happy to meet up with Chelsea
Little, who is in Zurich studying (and skiing of course!). Chelsea is
participating in most of the Swiss loppets this season and was at the race as
well. Not only was it great to get to know Chelsea, she was also very helpful
in finding the building where lunch and the awards were being held. Chelsea
recently wrote an interesting blog about women in Swiss skiing that can be read
here: http://blogs.fasterskier.com/chelsealittle/
On Thursday we headed to Davos for a final ski before heading to Austria. The day started like most and we drove through a dreary fog toward the mountains, the scenery invisible. Then, about half an hour from the venue, we entered a tunnel the climbed for a couple of kilometers. Did we die inside of it? The other end blinded us with sunlight and the clouds surrendered to a perfectly blue sky. Snow covered every inch of the mountains, which now rose straight up from the road. And then we were pulled aside at a police blockade and asked for our identification.
It turns out the day we chose to ski in Davos was the same day that global economic leaders were arriving for the World Economic Forum. Our police encounter turned out to be benign and after a nice chat about skiing with some officers, we made our way to the Davos amidst a sea of shiny black Mercedes, BMW, and Audi convoys that were bringing very important people to the town.
Davos is another World Cup venue and we arrived with aspirations to ski the World Cup race course. Fortunately, an old man intervened and told us we should ski up a river valley, where the sun would be shining. He undersold its beauty. The skiing was perfect all day, with rock hard tracks, extra blue wax conditions, and extra blue skies. Ski chalets and cow barns were sprinkled upon the mountains, some trailside, some majestic and inaccessibly high up. We skied up two valleys that rose at an ideal grade for classical striding, flew back down them, and finally found the world cup loop, which was really difficult, of course, but had some fun, corkscrew downhills. The conditions were too good to stop skiing.

That night, we had dinner with Greg Goldsmith and Chelsea. Greg is a postdoc working on plant biology in Zurich, as well as a Bowdoin nordic alum. He invited us all to his place for a great dinner of rice and beans and salad (a novelty these days, I’m afraid) and we spent the evening in conversation about skiing, biology, travel and skiing. Greg has traversed the world for both research and enjoyment and proved a great resource for advice about skiing in Europe, field work in graduate school, and most things in between. The dinner was a perfect way to cap our first stint in Switzerland. Plus, the 50 kilometers we’d skied in Davos wasn’t enough exercise and we squeezed in an extra 3.5 k on our walk to and from his place. Now we are in Lienz, Austria, home of our second marathon, the Dolomitenlauf.